To verify hardware status on FEX on Cisco Nexus Operating System.

show environment fex 100                                                                                                                                                          

Temperature Fex 100:
Module   Sensor     MajorThresh   MinorThres   CurTemp     Status
                    (Celsius)     (Celsius)    (Celsius)         
1        Outlet-1   92            89           42          ok             
1        Outlet-2   76            68           38          ok             
1        Inlet-1    61            53           37          ok             
1        Die-1      92            85           48          ok             

Fan Fex: 100:
Fan             Model                Hw         Status
Chassis         N2K-C2232-FAN        --         ok
PS-1            N2200-PAC-400W       --         failure
PS-2            N2200-PAC-400W       --         ok

Power Supply Fex 100:
Voltage: 12 Volts
PS  Model                Power       Power     Status
                         (Watts)     (Amp)           
1   --                        --        --     fail/shutdown       
2   N2200-PAC-400W        396.00     33.00     ok                  

Mod Model                Power     Power       Power     Power       Status
                         Requested Requested   Allocated Allocated         
                         (Watts)   (Amp)       (Watts)   (Amp)               
--- -------------------  -------   ----------  --------- ----------  ----------
1    N2K-C2232TM-10GE    102.00    8.50        102.00    8.50        powered-up

Power Usage Summary:
Power Supply redundancy mode:                 redundant

Total Power Capacity                              396.00 W

Power reserved for Supervisor(s)                  102.00 W
Power currently used by Modules                     0.00 W

Total Power Available                             294.00 W

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